Quality journalism is one of the pillars of democracy. But the profit-driven ownership of Digital First Media, the second-largest chain of print and online news organizations in the United States, threatens to undermine our ability to fulfill our mission. Guild members at a dozen union publications throughout the DFM empire have united in common cause, […]
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Hedge fund milking DFM papers dry, but workers won’t quit
Nearly 1,000 employees at a dozen DFM papers have gone years without raises — in some cases, a decade — while many have had to live with actual cuts in earnings and benefits.
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Merc and East Bay members hold second combined session with DFM
Guild negotiators from the BANG-East Bay and San Jose Mercury News met with Digital First Media management in a joint session to discuss the company’s proposed consolidation of the two bargaining units.
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Press Democrat talks result in increased parenting and cell phone benes
The two sides agreed to a substantial increase in cell phone stipends from $50 to $65 per month. In addition, new rules will allow parents returning to work to seek a part-time schedule for up to one year so long as the scheduling needs can be worked out with a supervisor.
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Guild negotiators say: Show us the money!
Guild bargainers and PD management narrowed their differences on a new contract and reached new tentative agreements Thursday.
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Tentative agreement reached at Sac Bee, McClatchy Editorial Production Center
Guild and McClatchy negotiators emerged from day-long discussions Tuesday, Dec. 15 with a tentative agreement on a new 3-year contract that boosts advertising commissions, offers modest newsroom pays raises, preserves the newsroom morning shift bonus and ensures company car fleet for the life of the agreement. After two gentle bargaining sessions, the room was decidedly tenser Tuesday afternoon with both sides at odds […]
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Press Democrat workers recall sacrifices, seek some recovery
Guild negotiators have made it clear that employees expect to recover some of the ground they lost after they voluntarily agreed to significant concessions so that Sonoma Media Investments could complete its purchase of the paper in 2012.
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Guild-DFM talks shift to proposed new operations scheme
DFM management proposed to merge the separate San Jose and East Bay Guild bargaining units under one consolidated contract that would include all digital employees, who are not currently represented by the Guild.
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ESL teachers bargain for prep time and a health plan
St. Giles’ first full proposal includes language on teacher definitions, vacation and sick pay, different options for health plans and the acknowledgement that teachers work more than the hours they are scheduled
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Press Democrat members seek modest gains; owners want more give-backs
Management offered a contract with no guaranteed pay increases, instead asking the union to accept what non-union employees would get, and to tie any increases to performance reviews. It also sought to raise the employee share of health costs, take away a week of sick leave accrual and eliminate the no-layoff guarantee. The union’s proposals include wage increases, higher employer contributions to the 401K, continuation of no-layoff provisions and enhanced work-life benefits.
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McClatchy seeks aggressive commission plan in push for digital sales
A management proposal to overhaul the advertising commission promises to be the key issue as contract negotiations between the Sacramento Bee management and Pacific Media Workers Guild opened Wednesday, Nov. 18 at the paper’s 21st Street office.
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Calling all nominations for Local and unit leadership
Calling all nominations for Local and unit leadership! Nominations close during the General Membership meeting on Nov. 21.
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Press Democrat talks begin
Press Democrat Guild members met with management in Rohnert Park as talks got underway for the next labor agreement. The Guild presented a list of contract demands that included significant pay increases, improvements to retirement benefits, job security and work-life balance concerns. Management outlined the general state of business operations, including what it said are pressures on advertising revenues and costs related to investments in new technologies.
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Mercury bargaining emphasizes interests in economic gains, quality journalism.
October 9, 2015 The San Jose Mercury Guild bargaining committee met again Friday with company representatives in our continued contract talks. Our short-term contract extension expired Sept. 30 but all terms remain in place while we negotiate. The Guild presented the specifics of our economic proposal, which we introduced in concept at our last meeting […]
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Guild leadership nominations open Oct. 17
It’s time to start thinking about who you’d like to nominate for our Local 39521 executive board and unit leadership positions.
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