The following resolution was adopted by Pacific Media Workers Guild at its General Membership meeting on September 17, 2016.
WHEREAS the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency frequently raids residences and workplaces in search of Central American people seeking refuge from brutally oppressive conditions in their home countries, and
WHEREAS these conditions stem from the policies and actions of regimes and death squads armed and/or funded by the United States, and
WHEREAS employers in the United States use fear of deportation as a weapon of subjugation and exploitation against workers from Central America, and
WHEREAS the ICE raids and deportations tear families apart, and
WHEREAS these deportations rob our nation of these peoples’ significant contributions to our economic vibrancy and cultural richness, and
WHEREAS our nation’s news media, especially those owned and/or controlled by large corporations, pay far too little attention to the above-cited facts,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Pacific Media Workers Guild (The NewsGuild-CWA Local 39521) calls on all of our nation’s news outlets to educate their readers, viewers and listeners continually about how the raids and deportations victimize immigrant families, too often constituting no less than a death sentence, and how the raids and deportations run counter to our national ideals of compassion and pluralism.

Pacific Media Workers Guild
We are the Pacific Media Workers Guild, Local 39521 of The Newspaper Guild-Communications Workers of America. We represent more than 1,200 journalists and other media workers, interpreters, translators, union staffs and freelancers.