Hearst Health Care 2013 – will the Chronicle be fair?

Chronicle worker Bradley Ramacher sees Hearst offer as a pay cut.  Photo by Mike Kepka 2013.
Chronicle worker Bradley Ramacher sees Hearst offer as a pay cut. Photo by Mike Kepka 2013.

Hearst offer is “cracker jacks”

Hearst is becoming an off-balance tightrope act above the newspaper and media circus, and the show could now come at the further expense of its supporting performers at the San Francisco Chronicle.

Hearst boasts billion-dollar profits each year, giving the advertising world the impression of stability, solidity, and continued successful performance. But at the most critical point yet of the Chronicle’s lifespan Hearst refuses to lend a hand to the staff who help keep the tightrope taught on a daily basis.

The 1.5% proposed raise for compensation in the expensive Bay Area is equivalent to Hearst buying the staff a box of crackerjacks with each paycheck. Taking an essential “pay cut” in order to continue receiving medical benefits could leave many supporting staff swinging back and forth on a trapeze between their loved jobs or a higher-paying future.

The San Francisco Chronicle’s foundation is being put at risk in order to allow the Hearst Media show to go on, and pressure will continue to build on the shoulders of the supporting performers if they are neglected a helping hand from one of the richest businesses in the nation.

— Bradley Ramacher


Bradley has worked at the San Francisco Chronicle for almost three years.  He started as an administrative assistant and now works in the Finance department.

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Michael Applegate

Pacific Media Workers Executive Officer