The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) is asking for help in support of a member who lost her husband and all of her belongings in the Harlem explosion Wednesday.
Liseth Perez, editor of Life and Style for El Diario, lost her husband Andreas Panagopoulos and “all her worldly possessions” in the explosion and collapse of two buildings in East Harlem, according to NAHJ NYC. The tragedy appeared to be the result of a gas leak and has taken at least nine lives and injured dozens more.
The NAHJ took to Twitter Friday to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Perez’ behalf.
The association urged others to come together and “unite in solidarity” in an effort to help Perez’ get back some of what she has lost.
“We ask everyone who is able to, to please donate money to this crowd-funding campaign,” the association said. “Help Liseth begin to rebuild her life. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims of the explosion in East Harlem.”
This article is re-printed from Huffington Post’s Latino Voices.