Note to all members:
As you read this I am most likely traveling somewhere through Morocco. I came here to meet my daughter, who is just finishing a three-month study abroad program.
So I was unable to observe the ballot count. But if you are reading this, it means I made contact and learned the results.
I’m glad to have won. I’m glad that my running mates also won. At the same time, I recognize that much needs to be done before anybody can claim true victory.
First, I want to thank all the members who voted or participated in other ways during the election. It was true union democracy. I wish the employers chose their leadership this way.
I also thank all the candidates, including not only my allies on the Unity Slate, but everybody who ran.
It’s not an easy commitment to make. I know everybody worked hard. Although we differed on issues and our approach to solving problems, we all are on the same side, and share the common goal of building a stronger union.
We must now expand upon this common ground. As soon as I return from North Africa, I intend to reach out to anybody who wants to join me in a constructive rebuilding effort, for the benefit of all our members.
We must find projects that unite us, and bridge whatever gaps the election revealed. Please don’t let the heat of our battle linger.
Nelson Mandela stood for reconciliation. The stakes were a lot higher for him, of course, but we can learn from his example, and heed his words. “Don’t dwell on what went wrong,” he said. “Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.”
We will move forward. In Unity. All are welcome to participate. The rebuilding of Local 39521, the Pacific Media Workers Guild, the pride of the West, starts on February 8 at our first big meeting of 2014.
Thanks everybody for all the work you do.
Happy New Year!
In Unity, Carl