East Bay BANG Bulletin: August 13, 2012

Guild negotiators met with management Monday in Pleasanton to review some of the major issues blocking progress toward a new labor agreement that elevates East Bay terms to San Jose standards. Your bargaining committee presented a revised transfer proposal which offers greater flexibility to the management but protects employees from costly forced relocations.  The proposal […]

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Cohen condemns job-killing corporations

CWA President Larry Cohen condemned job-killing corporations and the government policies that allow them to get away with it during a fiery speech Tuesday in San Francisco’s historic Union Square. Cohen was a keynote speaker during the biennial convention of the California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO. Delegates from throughout California came to the event, including a […]

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CFI defends interpreter funds during Judicial Council meeting

By Anabelle Garay July 27, 2012 Judicial Council members deferred action Friday on a recommendation to take up to $6.5 million from the designated interpreter budget for other court costs. CFI officials told Judicial Council members that shifting the funds would deprive a significant number of people from access to justice while violating the federal civil […]

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Courts propose wage cuts, added duties for interpreters

July 25, 2012 Region 2 court administrators proposed adding to the daily duties of interpreters while cutting wages by 10 percent and reducing guaranteed work hours. The measures presented by the courts during Monday’s opening bargaining session closely mirror those previously proposed in Region 3. The most significant proposals made by Region 2 to the […]

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GUILD VOICES: Chronicle should end deal with Journatic

by Kat Anderson, Director, Bay News Rising July 18, 2012 Investigations, both internal and outside, have revealed that content outsourcer Journatic supplied fake bylines to its publishing customers which include the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, GateHouse Media and Hearst-owned San Francisco Chronicle and Houston Chronicle. Journatic’s head of editorial production, Mike Fourcher resigned over the […]

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