Should the Guild be politically active?

      Your votes on Feb. 21 will matter  Dear Guild Brothers and Sisters, You will be asked, at the joint meeting of the Executive Committee, Representative Assembly and General Membership on Feb. 21, to vote on whether our Local should be permitted to take public positions on political issues. And if you vote […]

City transparency measure goes to Oakland voters

Thanks partly to the Pacific Media Workers Guild’s efforts, a city charter amendment aimed at improving transparency in local government and politics will go before Oakland voters in November.

Local endorses state sunshine measure

The Legislative/Political Committee recommends that the Local endorse Prop. 42, a state ballot measure that would shift the cost of sunshine-law compliance from the state to local government agencies.

Election Committee certifies results

The Guild’s Local Election Committee has certified the results of last month’s election, finding that there were no procedural or substantive grounds for setting the results aside.

Unity Slate wins with 60 percent of vote

Local election officers have issued a tentative certification of results declaring Executive Officer Carl Hall and the “Unity Slate” were the clear victors over the all-interpreter “A More Perfect Union Slate” for leadership of the Pacific Media Workers Guild.

Guild members rack up the awards

Long-time Guild members receive awards from the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, The Newspaper Guild and the Society for Professional Journalists. We congratulate our talented members.

April Chronicle Shop Notes

Send gossip, titillating trivia and scandal to: Who says an ergonomics workshop is ho-hum?  Not us.  In fact, it’s practically X-rated.  Consider these words of advice from the Chronicle’s amazing ergonomist, Anna Brock: “Some employees really want to be on top (of the desk)” and “You really have to wedge your butt into the […]