An overwhelming majority of the 63 unionized workers in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser newsroom voted on April 25 to ratify a five-year contract with owner Oahu Publications Inc.
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An overwhelming majority of the 63 unionized workers in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser newsroom voted on April 25 to ratify a five-year contract with owner Oahu Publications Inc.
Read MoreBargaining has begun at all four McClatchy California units (The Modesto Bee, The Fresno Bee, The Sacramento Bee and News Desk West). Negotiations took place in all three cities last week. The Guild is emphasizing coordination on the behalf of all the McClatchy units.
Read MoreA management proposal to overhaul the advertising commission promises to be the key issue as contract negotiations between the Sacramento Bee management and Pacific Media Workers Guild opened Wednesday, Nov. 18 at the paper’s 21st Street office.
Read MoreMembers of the Mercury News Guild ratified a three-month contract extension Wednesday.
Under the terms of the extension, employees will receive a half day of paid leave, in addition to the two days of paid leave negotiated under the terms of our current contract, which is scheduled to expire June 30.
The Guild and The McClatchy Company came to a tentative agreement on a new contract when it met to continue bargaining on Thursday.
Read MoreSacramento, Fresno and Modesto Bees and Editorial Production Center Bargaining bulletin #1 (consolidated) Sacramento Bee Guild unit ratifies contract amendments Guild members of the Sacramento Bee advertising and editorial staff voted Thursday to ratify contract amendments that clear the way for a proposed 2% merit pool to take effect in 2015. The annual contract reopener […]
Read MoreThe guild and McClatchy return to bargaining after Modesto Bee announced layoffs. The company wants more furloughs, split shifts and reviews for dual work.
Read MoreGuild and management reached a tentative agreement Friday on reopeners of the contract covering Bee newsroom and advertising employees. A new company proposal brings Fresno copy editors into the Sac Bee production center unit.
Read MoreThe Guild and company discussed the top priorities in their proposals in an attempt to get closer to an agreement. The company disclosed a 2 percent merit pool, the same as in 2013 the last time there was a merit pool.
Read MoreMonterey Herald Guild members approved a contract with the employer Wednesday that gives workers one extra paid day off a year, keeps a cap on health care benefits, and raises cell phone reimbursement to $60 monthly.
Read MoreMODESTO BEE BULLETIN #2 NOVEMBER 20, 2014 The guild and company returned to the table to continue full contract negotiations Tuesday. The current contract expires Dec. 31. All areas of the contract will be open during this time including wages, benefits, expenses, work schedules, job functions and severance pay. Meeting for the guild was Executive […]
Read MoreA second round of talks for Sacramento Bee and McClatchy Editorial Production units Bargaining bulletin #2 November 19, 2014 Bee management unveiled most of its noneconomic proposals for a new three-year contract for Production Center employees when it met with Guild representatives on Wednesday. The parties also discussed certain issues subject to the annual reopener […]
Read MoreContract Talks Open at Sacramento Bee and McClatchy Editorial Production Unit By Ed Fletcher Unit Chair Guild officers and representatives of the Bee management team met Wednesday at the Sacramento Hilton to discuss a new contract for McClatchy Co.’s editorial production center and key parts of the Sacramento Bee contract covering newsroom and advertising staff. […]
Read MoreThe Guild and company opened negotiations on the full contract Tuesday. The current contract expires Dec. 31.
Read MoreBy George Kelly Unit Chair Guild negotiators met with management representatives Thursday in Pleasanton to present a new proposal in light of recent strategic developments involving Digital First Media. The Guild proposed “an extension, plus,” meaning an extension of the current contract on a shortened timeline ending June 30, 2015 (rather than a typical one-year […]
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