Chronicle Shopnotes — what is this strange place, and where’d they move the newsroom?

Chronicle Shopnotes — what is this strange place, and where’d they move the newsroom?

The Great Newsroom Spring-Cleaning-in-Autumn saw dumpster after dumpster filled to overflowing with the dog-eared contents of dozens of office filing cabinets.  Into the dustbins of history (where they’re keeping the former Metro cars company) went notebooks full of data about the Zodiac, Synanon, Scientology, the Occupy Movement, felonies great and small, AIDS, S.F. City College, […]

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SPJ NorCal calls for Sacramento PD to affirm journalists’ rights

The Society of Professional Journalists released this statement on Wednesday: In March, Sacramento police detained three journalists while they were reporting on a citizens’ protest over the fatal shooting by officers of Stephon Clark, an unarmed 22-year-old black man. The detention served no public purpose and could have been avoided if Sacramento PD had a […]

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Guild members honored for journalistic excellence

The Guild congratulates several of our sisters and brothers who are to receive awards in November for journalistic excellence. Julia Cheever and Daniel Montes of Bay City News Service, and Charles Desmarais and Lauren Hernandez of the San Francisco Chronicle will be honored at the San Francisco Press Club’s Greater Bay Area Journalism Awards Dinner […]

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2019 Membership Referendum Results

2019 Membership Referendum Results

Dear PMWG Local 39521 Members,Thank you to all who voted in the 2019 Guild Membership Referendum.Both provisions of the referendum passed, with the following results: Local Membership voted to make the Local’s lead officer an appointed role, rather than elected. Now the Executive Officer will be appointed by the Local Executive Committee.  Additionally, our Interpreters […]

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DFM Caucus begins six-month countdown to contract talks

DFM Caucus begins six-month countdown to contract talks

Alden Global Capital founder Randall Smith recently sold one of his many Palm Beach mansions for $5.5 million, according to the Palm Beach Daily News. The $1.9 million profit on the sale – purchased in a mansion-buying binge that began in 2013, after Alden became majority owner of DFM – would cover an annual raise of more than $3,900 for the 487 Guild-represented employees at 12 DFM newspapers nationwide.

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DFM workers deserve share of Company’s huge profits

DFM workers deserve share of Company’s huge profits

Union representatives will press management to increase the pay of workers at Digital First Media newspapers nationwide when wage negotiations resume on October 11 in Philadelphia. The message will be simple: Our award-winning employees deserve their share of the massive profits that DFM is earning from their work. Most DFM employees only have received one raise in 10 years.

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Highly profitable DFM again refuses to offer pay increase

Highly profitable DFM again refuses to offer pay increase

DFM management came to a bargaining session empty-handed, telling a national coalition of NewsGuild representatives that the company’s hedge fund ownership intends to keep employee pay frozen companywide to help maintain its profits. Alden Global Capital, principal owner of Digital First Media, has earned worldwide notoriety for its ruthless staff cuts and double-digit profit margins. The ongoing damage to newsrooms across the country has triggered protests from New York to Denver to the Bay Area.

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