McClatchy and Guild working on money, metrics and marijuana

McClatchy and Guild working on money, metrics and marijuana

Bargaining continued in late January, early February at all four McClatchy California units (The Modesto Bee, The Fresno Bee, The Sacramento Bee and News Desk West). Full contracts are up at Modesto, Fresno and News Desk West while Sacramento has a reopener. The guild and company were able to narrow bargaining to a few core issues during each of the sessions. They include the new metrics for page view goals, seniority language in the case of layoffs, minimum salary levels and merit pay scales, equipment reimbursement, and drug policy.

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Campaign escalates as DFM cuts staff

Campaign escalates as DFM cuts staff

Negotiations for a 2018 wage re-opener covering 13 bargaining units will open soon as Digital First Media ordered a new wave of staff cuts throughout California and in suburban Philadelphia in January. In response, DFM workers are escalating their contract campaign against Alden Global Capital, the New York hedge fund that owns DFM and that has been systematically stripping newspaper assets since 2012.

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Honolulu talks hinge on economics

Honolulu talks hinge on economics

Guild and management negotiators significantly narrowed the issues blocking agreement on a new labor contract during two days of talks in Honolulu. Our committee managed to elicit a package proposal from the company that would drop many of the onerous proposals it made last year, such as reducing holidays and sick leave, absurd absenteeism terms, restrictions on shop stewards and a weaker grievance procedure. But the company still demands the right to conduct random drug testing.

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Local Election Committee announces results – Anderson wins for local Secretary

Local Election Committee announces results – Anderson wins for local Secretary

The following statement was issued today by the Local 39521 Elections Committee: Dear Candidates: The Local Elections Committee of the Pacific Media Workers Guild met December 21, 2017 at 10 a.m. at the Guild office to count ballots for the union’s election. Following are the results, certified by the LEC: Local Secretary  Kat Anderson was elected […]

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Denver ASL interpreters study scheduling as talks resume

Denver ASL interpreters study scheduling as talks resume

ASL Interpreters United TNG-CWA Local 39521 Negotiations Update #2                                                                              Dec. 7, 2017 Contract negotiations resumed in San Francisco this week with a closer look at proposed changes in the scheduling routine and some preliminary meetings with a federal mediator. Both the union and management put in some effort as we took turns clarifying our […]

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Hearst relents at 11th hour, settling NLRB complaint with Guild

Hearst relents at 11th hour, settling NLRB complaint with Guild

After a year of stonewalling, Hearst Corp. finally agreed at the outset of a hearing before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Tuesday to provide the Guild access to documents needed to investigate a suspected pattern of discriminatory pay practices skewed against women, people of color and older workers. The Chronicle is one of many newspapers where employees suspect inequities in compensation.

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NLRB backs union charges in immigration interpreter organizing drive

NLRB backs union charges in immigration interpreter organizing drive

After a lengthy investigation into more than a dozen charges of anti-union activity, the National Labor Relations Board is preparing to issue a formal complaint against SOS International, a federal contractor that provides language-interpreting services for the immigration courts, The NewsGuild-Communications Workers of America announced today.

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News still matters

News still matters

Thirteen Guild-CWA bargaining units representing newsroom, advertising, circulation, and production departments at Digital First Media opened joint negotiations for a wage increase Thursday in Denver. Union negotiators proposed a $1 per hour raise for all employees effective July 1. Management offered no proposal, stating that budgeting is under way for the next fiscal year that begins July 1, and that managers won’t be prepared to begin serious negotiations until June.

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