Dear Guild members:
It is time again for us to nominate new unit officers and for the Executive Board of our union, Pacific Media Workers Guild-CWA Local 39521.
Nominations are open for the 2022-2023 Pacific Media Workers Guild Elections
The Local elections are held every 2 years and governed by our bylaws in conjunction with the NewsGuild and CWA Bylaws. Offices up for election include:
The Local Executive Committee
- President
- First Vice President
- California Vice President
- Hawaii Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Additionally, each Unit will elect Officers to
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
Unit Chairs are part of the Local Representative Assembly. Units with more than 50 members can elect an additional Representative Assembly member, including the San Francisco Chronicle and the Freelance Unit.
Each unit will be holding a nomination meeting prior to November 20th.
Members in good standing can submit nominations in 3 ways:
- From the floor of your Unit Member Meeting or
- Directly to the Local Elections committee via the online Nomination Form
- From the floor of the Local’s November 20th Membership Meeting
Nominations will officially close at the PMWG General Membership Meeting on November 20th.
If an office is uncontested (only 1 candidate nominated) that candidate will be deemed “elected” on Nov. 20. There will be a four day period following the meeting, where members can submit additional nominations by petition to If more than one person is nominated for a position, the Local will mail paper ballots to members.
If a paper ballot election is required, details re: dates will be posted here.